北京大学法学硕士。2002 年参与创办《WTO 经济导刊》,现任《WTO 经济导刊》主编、北京大学社会责任与可持续发展国际研究中心执行主任。主要咨询和研究方向:企业社会责任战略与规划、企业社会责任管理、企业社会责任评估、企业社会责任报告编制、企业社会责任品牌与传播。
In 2002, Zhihong YU participated in the foundation of the China WTO Tribune, and now is Editor-in-Chief of China WTO Tribune and Executive Director of International Research Center for Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development of Peking University. He received his Master of Law from Peking University. Recently, he has focused on such consulting and research fields: strategy and planning, management, assessment, report compilation, brand, and communication in CSR field.
中国可持续发展工商理事会(CBCSD)副秘书长,教授级高工,国家安全生产专家组副组长,全国安全生产标准化委员会危化品分委会副主任委员,中国石化安全环保局原局长,中国石化集团公司有突出贡献的科技和管理专家。长期从事石油化工专业工作,先后任石化企业工程师、厂长、经理,有丰富的生产经营管理经验,主导多项国内外HSE 标准制定、能源和温室气体的排放计算办法、企业社会责任(CSR) 标准编制以及国际合作项目。
Qi ZHAI is the Deputy Secretary General of China Business Council for Sustainable Development (CBCSD), Professor Senior Engineer, Deputy Director of National Safety Committee, Deputy General Director of the Hazardous Chemical Panel under the Work Safety Standard Committee, former Director General of SINOPEC HSE Bureau and SINOPEC Expert of Scientific and Management Achievement. He has abundant practices and experience in the petrochemical profession, with working experience as engineer, factory director and General Manager. He takes part in the formulation of many international and national HSE standards, energy and GHG emission calculation standards, CSR standards as well as leading international cooperation projects.
侯洁,北京航空航天大学管理学院硕士研究生毕业,1996 年进入国家机关工作,先后工作于国家经贸委政策法规司、研究室,国务院国资委研究室、研究局,历任研究处、综合处副处长、处长等职务,现任国务院国资委研究局副局长。侯洁同志长期从事国有企业改革发展和国资监管研究工作,先后参与了一系列重大课题的研究和重要讲话的起草。从2010 年开始从事中央企业社会责任指导和管理工作,先后参与了若干社会责任重要文件起草、重大课题研究、案例评选和培训组织等工作,具有较为丰富的国企改革研究和社会责任管理工作经验。
Jie HOU received her Master’s Degree from School of Management of Beihang University (formerly Beijing Institute of Aeronautics). Since 1996, she started to serve in state organs, namely Department of Policies and Regulations and Research Office of State Economics and Trade Commission, Research Office and Research Bureau of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, where she was successively appointed as Deputy Division Director and Division Director of Research Division and Comprehensive Division. She currently serves as Deputy Director-general of the Research Bureau of the State Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. As a longtime researcher of SOEs reform and development and state assets supervision, Jie HOU participated in the drafting of a series of researches on major subjects and critical speeches. From 2010 when Jie HOU began to work on CSR management and guidance of SOEs, she has successively been involved in the drafting of several CSR papers, major subject research, the case election and training. She has rich experience in the research on SOEs reform and CSR management.
Maisoun Jabali 出生于瑞典歌德堡,她从1992 年至1997 年在瑞典乌普沙拉大学学习政治科学,经济学,法学和国际关系,期间她还在安曼约旦大学学习。 完成学业后,Jabali 在位于斯特拉斯堡的欧洲理事会工作,之后到瑞典社会事务部任职。在2004 年至2011 年期间,Jabali 在瑞典财政部工作。之后她在瑞典首相办公室任职,并于2013 年被任命为瑞典驻华大使馆参赞及企业社会责任中心负责人。
Maisoun Jabali was born on 24 June in Goteborg, Sweden, and studied Political Science, Economics, Law and International Relations mainly at Uppsala University in Sweden during 1992-1997. During this period some studied were carried out at the University of Jordan in Amman. After completing her studies Ms. Jabali was appointed at the Ministry of Social Affairs in Stockholm followed by a placement at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. Between 2004 and 2011 Ms. Jabali served at the Ministry of Finance. Before being appointed Counsellor and head of the CSR Centre at the Embassy of Sweden in Beijing in August 2013, Ms. Jabali served at the Prime Minister’s Office in Stockholm.
德国勃兰登堡应用技术大学技术与创新管理专业理学硕士。现任《WTO 经济导刊》副社长、北京大学社会责任与可持续发展国际研究中心主任、责扬天下(北京)管理顾问有限公司首席专家。近年专注于企业社会责任、企业公民的研究与推广,在国内率先提出和倡导履行企业社会责任的责任竞争力理念,倡导创立企业社会责任金蜜蜂品牌,为众多企事业单位和政府机构提供过企业社会责任咨询培训和专题研究服务。主要研究成果有:主编《企业社会责任行动指南》、《责任竞争力》、《如何编制企业社会责任报告》、《企业社会责任管理基础教程》和《企业社会责任在中国》等金蜜蜂系列丛书,编译《国家责任竞争力(2007)》、《全球企业公民必读》。
Gefei YIN is the Vice President of China WTO Tribune, Director of the International Research Center for Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development of Peking University. Nominated Expert of ISO 26000 WG SR. and Chief Expert of GoldenBee (Beijing) Management Consulting Co., Ltd.. He received his Master degree of Science in technology and innovation management from Brandenburg University of Applied Science in Germany. His research mainly focuses on CSR, Corporate Citizenship and Innovation Management. He raised the concept of ‘Corporate Responsible Competitiveness’ in China and advocates the concept through promoting CSR implementation. He is the main founder of GoldenBee. Major publications include: Guide to CSR, Responsible Competitiveness, How to Write a CSR Report’, ‘CSR Management Fundamentals, and CSR in China. Besides, he also translated The State of Responsible Competitiveness (2007) and Living Corporate Citizenship: Strategic Routes to Socially Responsible Business.
关正雄先生是日本财产保险公司CSR 高级顾问。日本财产保险公司在日本CSR 领域 处于领先地位,该公司于2010 年荣获第14 届亚洲保险行业大奖“年度绿色企业奖”,2009 年和2010 年连续两年荣获“全球100 家最具可持续发展企业”称号。 2005 年起,关正雄先生作为日本产业代表加入ISO26000 社会责任专家工作组。在联合国全球契约组织,他作为指导委员会成员参与关注气候倡议工作。 在日本国内,关正雄先生兼任环保部“生态与金融”等多个委员会委员,他同时也是日本企业市民协议会指导委员会主席。关正雄先生目前也是日本环境保护基金会的执行理事和明治大学工商管理学院的副教授。
Masao Seki is Senior Advisor on CSR at Sompo Japan Insurance Inc., which has been taking a leading role in CSR in Japan and which was selected for the “Green Company of the Year” at 14th Asia Insurance Industry Award in 2010 and “Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World” in 2009 and 2010.Since 2005, he served as an ISO26000 Social Responsibility Working Group Expert representing Japanese industries. At UN Global Compact he is working with Caring for Climate initiative as a steering committee member. Domestically he serves several Government Committees including “Ecology and Finance”, Ministry of the Environment. He is Steering Committee Chairman of Council for Better Corporate Citizenship (CBCC), Keidanren. He is currently Executive Director at Sompo Japan Environmental Foundation and Associate Professor at School of Business Administration, Meiji University.
Weiyang LI received his Master Degree in Economics from the Graduate Faculty of the Research Institute for Fiscal Science of the Ministry of Finance and he is a senior accountant. He is the Deputy Director of Advanced Training Center of State Grid Corporation of China, Executive Vice Chairman of the Chinese Institute of Business Administration, Chief Researcher at the Research Center of CSR and Enterprise Culture of Xiamen University, Executive Deputy Director of the Research Center of CSR of the Academic Division of Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), the member of the Specialist Panel of China ISO Social Responsibility and the Director of the Center of UN Global Compact Network China. He has taught courses on social responsibility in Peking University, Xiamen University, Beijing Normal University, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and other universities. is the main writer of China's first corporate social responsibility (“CSR”) report and the first CSR Guide Book in China. He advocated a comprehensive CSR management model and the relevant results won the first prize of the 15th State-level Enterprise Management Innovation Accomplishments. He published monographs including Walk Out of the “Jungle”: a New Exploration of CSR, the Logic of ISO 26000-Guidance for Classical Documents on Enterprise Community Responsibility, and Cash Flow Statement Preparation, and translations including Overall Responsibility Management Guide Book, An Introduction to the Classical Literature on Corporate Social Responsibility, A Guide to the Latest Literatures on Corporate Social Responsibility, and co-compiled publications including How to Prepare CSR Report, Innovative Practice of Social Responsibility in World's Leading Power Corporations, Research on Indicator System of the Corporate Social Responsibility and others. He also took charge of two national soft science research projects of State Ministry of Science and one major project of State Administration of State Assets Committee. He has published more than 70 papers on community responsibility in magazines like China Industrial Economics, Economic Management, and PKU Business Review.
中国标准化研究院(CNIS)质量管理分院副总工程师/ 高级主任研究员。从事标准化科研工作二十多年,起草国家标准30 余项,荣获国家科技进步二等奖1 项,省部级奖5 项。多年来,作为中国标准化研究院社会责任与可持续性管理、职业健康安全管理体系标准化学术带头人,主持我国相关领域的标准化科学研究。曾任ISO 社会责任特别工作组秘书长,带领中国专家团参与ISO 26000《社会责任指南》国际标准起草工作,是中国唯一全程七年参与ISO 26000 起草工作的社会责任专家。组织并承担了科技部国家科技支撑计划重点课题《社会责任国际标准风险控制及企业社会责任评价技术研究》。目前正在主持制定我国的社会责任国家标准。作为GB/T 28000(OHSAS 18000)职业健康安全管理体系系列国家标准(2001 版和2011 版)第一起草人,十多年来一直从事职业健康安全管理体系研究和国家标准制定工作。
Vice Chief Engineer and Senior Research Director of Quality Management Branch of China Institute of Standardization (CNIS). He worked in standardization researching for more than 20 years, drafted about 30 national standards and won many national and provincial awards. As an academic pioneer in social responsibility and sustainability management and occupational health and safety system in CNIS, he takes charge of researches on standardization in certain areas in China. He was the secretary general of ISO social responsibility taskforce and leads the Chinese experts to join the drafting of ISO 2600 Guidance on Social Responsibility. As the first drafter of GB/T 28000 (OHSAS 18000) 2001 and 2002, he has been researching on occupational health and safety system and drafting the national standards for a decade. Now he is in charge of drafting national guidance on social responsibility in China.
As a senior business management engineer, Yuwei XUE graduated from Tsinghua University in 1988. He has had over 20 years’ experience in electric design, electric enterprise management and held position in multiple departments in electric enterprises. He is now currently head of Social Responsibility Department, Strategic Planning Division, China Southern Power Grid.
He is a senior CSR consultant. He received his master’s degree in sociology from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He has published over 20 papers in CSSCI and many major Chinese magazines. He was involved into the compilation of many academic monographs and won the Second Prize for Distinguished Achievement in Philosophy and Social Sciences of Beijing. As a longtime researcher of corporate and industry social responsibility to promote the increase and communication of social responsibility performance, he is skilled in building model and offering systematic social responsibility solutions.
Michael Copping是联合国儿童基金会南亚、东亚及太平洋地区企业合作高级项目官,驻泰国曼谷。他的职责是支持儿基会国家办公室在企业合作与伙伴关系方面的工作,以更好地维护儿童权利。在儿基会任职的6年中,他支持了30多个欧亚办公室的企业合作工作。在此之前,Michael在美国、加拿大、英国的私营领域有着18年的从业经验,涉及商业发展、市场营销、可持续管理。Michael获得美国布拉德利大学的营销学学士学位和工商管理硕士学位,近来他在法国的欧洲工商管理学院完成了儿基会的领导力发展项目。
Michael Copping is UNICEF’s regional corporate engagement manager for south asia and east asia pacific, based in Bangkok, Thailand. In his current role, he supports UNICEF country offices across a full range of partnership development with the corporate sector to advance children’s rights. In his 6 years with UNICEF, he has supported partnerships in more than 30 countries in Europe and Asia. Prior to that, Michael spent 18 years in the private sector in business development, marketing management, and sustainability management roles with a range of companies in the US, Canada, and the United Kingdom. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Marketing and a Masters in Business Administration from Bradley University in the United States and recently completed UNICEF’s leadership development program at INSEAD in France.
人力资源和社会保障部国际劳动保障研究所副所长,国际标准化组织社会责任工作组(ISO 26000)中国专家。先后主持《企业社会责任对我国企业和外贸出口的影响》、《企业社会责任对我国劳动和社会保障制度影响研究》等研究项目;参与《国有企业社会责任研究》一书的编写;参与多项国内和国际社会责任研讨会及其它社会责任活动;曾参与一些企业的社会责任报告编写工作。
Junfeng ZHANG is the Deputy Director, Institute of International Labor and Social Security, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and nominated expert of ISO 26000 working group. He has successively hosted many research projects such as “Impacts of CSR on Enterprises and Export of China”, “Impact of CSR on Labor and Social Security System of China”, etc. He was engaged in the compilation of CSR Study on SOEs, participated in national and international CSR seminars and other CSR related activities. He was also engaged in CSR reporting work in the past years.
东华大学旭日管理学院管理科学研究生,澳门科技大学工商管理硕士。上海质汇商务咨询有限公司创始人,原德国汉德技术监督服务有限公司TUV NORD杭州公司总经理,中国区高级战略总监。美国Robert Mager协会培训经理,英国国际审核员注册机构IRCA主任讲师,德国TUV NORD高级审核员,国际劳工组织企业可持续发展SCORE项目专家讲师,中国CCAA高级审核员,中国纺织企业社会责任管理体系CSC9000T培训师、标准评委。27年来在各行各业的质量管理、环境管理、职业健康安全管理、企业社会责任管理等方面开展咨询、培训和认证工作,领导TUV NORD在中国开展SA8000,BSCI,CSM2000,CSCT9000T,SEDEX,CSR报告等企业社会责任相关业务。
Management Sciences Postgraduate of Donghua University, MBA of Macau University of Science and Technology. The founder of Shanghai H-Quality Business Consulting Co., Ltd., former TUV NORD Hangzhou General Manager and China Senior Strategy Director. American Robert Mager Association Training Manager, British IRCA Lead Tutor, Germany TUV NORD Senior Auditor, ILO SCORE project expert and tutor, China CCAA Senior Auditor, Chinese textile corporate social responsibility management system CSC9000T tutor and standard judge. 27 years engaged in consulting, training and certification in quality management, environmental management, occupational health and safety management, and corporate social responsibility, lead TUV NORD to carry out SA8000, BSCI, CSM2000, CSCT9000T, SEDEX, CSR report business in China.
Mr. Zhang Hao was graduated from Aalborg University in Denmark, and majored in Environmental management with a M.S. degree. He has many years’ global working experience of Quality, Sustainable Development, EHS, Change Management, Process Management and Project Management. As the Head of Huawei corporate sustainable development department, he is responsible for corporate global sustainability strategy and establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving the management system, in order to ensure Huawei sustainable development management that meets the requirements from related stakeholders.
Philipp Kruschel是德国国际合作机构(GIZ)新兴市场跨国企业可持续发展网络执行主任,及德国国际合作机构(GIZ)全球伙伴关系和新兴经济体部高级顾问,曾负责尼泊尔贸易项目管理及乌干达可持续经济发展工作。Kruschel先生关注纽约、日内瓦、中东的联合国组织、世界银行和德国联邦部委的经济社会发展状况,工作经验丰富。Kruschel先生拥有美国塔夫斯大学经济学硕士学位及德国柏林洪堡大学国际关系硕士学位。
Philipp Kruschel is acting Executive Director of the EMM Network for Sustainability as well as Senior Advisor in GIZ’s business unit “Global Partnerships, Emerging Economies”. His previous positions at GIZ include the management of a trade programme in Nepal and sustainable economic development work in Uganda. Mr. Kruschel has extensive work experience with a focus on economic and social development at various UN organizations in New York, Geneva and the Middle East, the World Bank in Washington DC and several German Federal Ministries. He holds an M.A. in Economics from Tufts University, USA as well as an M.A. in International Relations from Free and Humboldt Universities in Berlin, Germany.
张 湘,中国对外承包工程商会副秘书长兼综合部主任,新闻发言人。 2001年获经济学硕士,同年进入中国对外承包工程商会,先后在商会综合部和工程部工作,现主管行业调研、民主办会、公关外联与行业可持续发展工作。曾牵头负责《对外承包工程发展年度报告》、《中国国际承包商非洲本土化实践分析》、《中国对外承包工程社会责任指引》等的编写,主持行业信用等级评价、社会责任绩效评价等活动的策划、组织。她相信,履行社会责任的水平是对外承包工程企业国际竞争力的重要部分。
Zhang Xiang,Deputy Secretary-General and the spokesperson of China International Contractors Association (CHINCA), responsible for industry research, public relations, and sustainable development. She got a Master’s Degree, and entered CHINCA in 2001. Thereafter she has worked in the Secretary & Research Dept and Engineering Dept concussively. She was responsible for the compiling of Annual Report on China International Project Contracting, Report on the Localization of Chinese Contractors in Africa,Guide on CSR of China International Contracting Industry and so on. She also initiated many programs such as the Evaluations on the contractors’ CSR performance in overseas markets. She believes that CSR performance builds the competitiveness of an international contractor.
Miss Joyce Chau, Foreign Trade Association (FTA) Representative China Ms Joyce Chau joined Foreign Trade Association as the Country Representative of the organization in China since June 2011. She acts an intermediary between the Secretariat in Brussels, members, suppliers and local stakeholders in China. Her role is to promote free trade and sustainable supply chain through supporting sustainability activities related to business social compliance (BSCI), environmental performance (BEPI) and trade policy (ITP).
In more than 20 years, Ms Chau has been working as a corporate communications practitioner for various organizations with focus on sustainability, CSR, and supply chain management. Her major expertise is in public affairs, stakeholder and media relations crisis and issues management, etc.
Prior to joining FTA, she was the Senior Vice President of the HSBC Corporate Sustainability Asia Pacific Region Office, Dell China’s Corporate Communications Director and she also worked for HKSAR Government’ Innovation and Technology Commission, HK Airport Authority and GS1, a global supply chain standard organisation. She possesses a BSoSc in Communications and a Master of Arts in Translation.
Wen Li graduated from Northwestern University and Renmin University of China. She got her Master’s degree of Economics. After graduation, she has been working in the petroleum industry. In recent years, she has focused on research and management of CSR and corporate culture. She organized and compiled the first CSR report as well as the first overseas sustainability report of CNPC. As the member of SASAC CSR Expert Committee, she has participated in the research. In addition, she is also the CSR think tank expert at China Federation of Industrial Economics as well as the council member at the CSR Research Center of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. She has published over 70 papers and Responsibility Winners, Backbone of National Economy—Petroleum Economy and other works. She also participated in the compilation of How to Compile CSR Report, CSR Reporting Guidelines and other books.
管理学博士, 毕业于中国社会科学院研究生院。2006 年至今,就职于国务院国资委,现任研究局研究一处处长。主要研究领域为公司社会责任、社会责任投资、公司金融。主要从事文字材料起草、企业社会责任推进等工作,先后参与《中央企业社会责任研究》、《中央企业社会责任指引研究》、《中央企业社会责任评价体系研究》等课题研究,参与了《关于国有企业更好履行社会责任的指导意见》等政策性法规文件的研究起草工作。
Since 2006 when Feng CHEN began to work in State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), he has been the First Division Director of Bureau of Research of SASAC. Feng CHEN received his PhD in management from Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. His major study fields are corporate social responsibility, social responsible investment, and corporate finance. He takes charge of compiling materials and CSR promotion. He has participated in CSR study in Central SOEs, CSR Guidelines Study in Central SOEs, CSR Evaluation System Study in Central SOEs, and also the preparation of Guidelines to the State-owned Enterprises on Better Fulfilling Corporate Social Responsibilities and other regulations.
中国社会科学院新闻与大众传播专业硕士,高级政工师,高级记者,中国铝业公司研究室副主任,中国循环经济研究院研究员,中国新闻奖评委。中国铝业公司自2005 年发布首份社会责任报告以来,赵秀富参与了全部9 份社会责任报告的编制工作。社会责任国际标准指南ISO 26000正式颁布后,他主持了国家重大社会科学研究课题《ISO26000在中国企业的应用》的研究,并获得全国十年优秀管理成果一等奖。他主导编制的《中国铝业公司2010 年社会责任报告》成为中国首份ISO 26000 社会责任报告;他率领的公司社会责任团队成功地将ISO 26000 融入企业管理,建立了“中铝公司社会责任管理模块”,编制了“中铝公司履行社会责任负面清单”。
Xiufu ZHAO received his master’s degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He is a senior political worker, senior reporter, Deputy Director of Research Centre in Aluminum Corporation of China, researcher of China Academy of Circular Economy, and a judge of China News Award. He has been involved in editing all 9 CSR reports of Aluminum Corporation of China since its first release in 2005. After the official promulgation of International Standard ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility, he directed a major national social science research program “ISO 26000’s applications in Chinese Enterprises”, and the research result awarded as first prize of “China’s Outstanding Management Accomplishments of Ten Years”. Under his guidance, “2010 Chinalco CSR Report” became the first CSR report using ISO 26000 as its basic framework in China; His CSR team successfully integrated ISO 26000 into corporate management, built “Chinalco CSR Management Module” and issued “Chinalco CSR Negative List”.
Lihua XIAO, female, born in January 1976, Chongqing; MBA of Chongqing University, and Senior economist, is working at Chongqing Gas Group co., LTD. (stock code: 600917) as the Director of the Department of Publicity. She has dedicated herself to administrative management, information management and enterprise publicity.
In 2015, she led to accomplish the compilation of the first Corporate Social Responsibility Report of Chongqing Gas Group. With the goal of compiling the first social responsibility report that would be "Conform to the standards at home and abroad, Leading in the field of China Gas Industry, and Distinctive in the social responsibility fulfillment of Chongqing Gas Group", she fully exploited the fulfilling performances of the corporate responsibilities, as well as strengthened the communication with the stakeholders. In September 2015, " Ten Initiatives with Credibility, Responsibilities lead to the Future " Chongqing Gas Social Responsibility Report Release Conference led by her, extensively focused by the local government and media, for the highlight of the corporate social responsibility image of Chongqing Gas Group Co., LTD.
Na YIN, female, Han Ethnic Group, born in December, 1978. She is a member of the Communist Party of China and got her doctor’s degree of management science and engineering. Currently she holds the position of Deputy Standing Director at the Research Lab of Beijing Enterprises Group Company Limited as well as the Director of the Research Lab of Beijing Fuel Gas Survey.
Na YIN’s research area includes energy and environmental policies, new urbanization energy resolution, SOE reform and CSR management. She led researchers in the company to conduct the following researches: China’s Public Utility Market Reform, Business Mode Research of the Service of Urban Gas Enterprise in the Internet Economy Era, European Large-Scale Energy Enterprises Development Strategy Study and so forth. Currently, she assumes the key assignment from the company—Guiding Opinions on Deepening State-owned Enterprise Reform.
林波,毕业于中国政法大学,新闻、法律双学士、中国科学院心理研究所发展与教育方 向研究生。
2008 年加盟《WTO 经济导刊》,任副主编。发表专题报道、个人专栏逾20 万字,多次采访跨国公司全球及中国区高层、政府官员。参与编撰《金蜜蜂企业社会责任竞争力案例集(2008-2014)》、《中国企业社会责任发展报告》等企业社会责任专著。
Bo Lin, Associate Editor-in-Chief of China WTO Tribune. Lin Bo graduated from China University of Political Science and Law for the bachelor degree of Journalism and Law, and then Chinese Academy of Sciences for graduate degree of Development&Education.
Ever since her joining in China WTO Tribune in 2008, Ms Lin has published more than 200,000 words in feature stories or columns, and interviewed MNCs’ senior executives and government officials many times. She also participates in writing the renowned CSR writings such as GoldenBee Responsible Competitiveness Best Practices (2008-2014), China CSR Development Report.
YUE ZUO is the manager of China National Nuclear Power Company for publicity and brand management, nominated public expert of Nuclear Energy Committee. He received his Master Degree of Business Administration from Hunan University. His research mainly focuses on public communication,adjacent movement and CSR. Major publications include: Guide to Public Communication, Out of Nuclear Facilities Adjacent to the Dilemma, Practice and Exploration of Public Scientific Popularization of Nuclear Power, "Four Force" Responsibility Model Cast Charm Nuclear Power.
CSR Director, Mengniu Dairy (Group) Co., Ltd.Mr. Wu received the Bacholor degree from Huazhong Agricultural University and obtained his Master degree from Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology.He joined Mengniu Dairy (Group) Co., Ltd. in March 2012 and was appointed as CSR Director. He once worked in China WTO Tribune and was in charge of the CSR research and consulting, and thus has rich experience in enterprise innovation and sustainable development management.
杜怡佳(Karen Du)目前负责策划与执行玫琳凯在中国的公益项目,包括女性创业、儿童教育、环保和志愿者项目,同时还负责撰写与传播企业年度可持续发展报告,帮助玫琳凯在中国树立良好的企业形象。
Karen Du takes overall responsibility for the plan and implement of charity progtams, including women empowerment, children education, environmental protection and volunteerism. And she is in charge of corporate sustainability report which aims at helping Mary Kay build positive brand image in China.
In her 6 years with the company, Karen held posts in media relations, corporate communication and other positions. In 2014, she rotated in marketing department and was responsible for national marketing campaign and related promoation plan. She led seveal CSR programs and media communication projects with postive feedback and impact.
Dr. Jürgen Steiger is Deputy Country Director of The Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer lnternationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in China as well as Programme Director of “Sino-German Cooperation Programme on Economic and Structural Reform”. Besides, he also has the overall responsibility for the Sector of Disaster Risk Management, Vocational Education & Training (TVET) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of GIZ. In addition, he also serves as the China Director of the Emerging Market Sustainability Dialogue (EMSD).
In 1998, Dr Steiger joined GIZ. Since then, he has been engaged in development and cooperation between China and Germany/EU, particularly in the field of economic development and reform. TVET development has also been part of the focuses of his work at GIZ China for over the decade.
Dr Steiger studied economics at the University of Heidelberg, where he completed his Ph.D. on development economics. After his Ph.D study, he worked as research fellow and lecturer on development economics and international economics at the Department of Economics of South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University. Before he joined GIZ in 1998, he worked as managing director of an international consulting company.
Yangshan LI, member of the Communist Party of China, Master of Business Administration, Han Ethnic Group, Born in March, 1974. He started his career in 1995. He is currently the Deputy Director of Corporate Social Responsibility Department, Public Relations Division, State Grid Corporation of China. He was the former Deputy Director of Brand Department (News Information Department), Public Relations Division. He used to work at State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company before 2009.
孙桂艳女士在英特尔任职近15年中,曾担任过英特尔公司中国区市场发展经理,服务器企业市场经理以及移动产品市场经理,长时间负责英特尔市场、产品和技术在中国的定位、 发展战略以及业务拓展。2010年末,孙桂艳女士转入英特尔公司企业社会责任部,主要负责企业社会责任的战略、目标和项目实施,社区服务,以及企业社会责任的外部推广和内部的宣导。连续六年主持了英特尔公司年度企业社会责任报告的撰写和发布, 并主持了在信息化养老,信息化低碳等方面的研究和报告。
During her almost 15 years of career at Intel, Guiyan SUN used to hold the position as the market development manager, server business market manager and mobile product market manager of Intel (China). She has been in charge of the orientation, development strategy and business expansion of Intel market, products and technology in China. By the end of 2010, Ms. Guiyan SUN transferred to CSR Division, responsible for CSR strategy, goal and project implementation, community service as well as CSR external promotion and internal publicity. She has taken the lead in the compilation and release of Intel annual CSR report for 6 consecutive years. She has also played an active role in the research and report compilation in information-based pension plan and low carbon fields.
Wenjun Dong is currently serving as vice operation manager of Weibo and director of Weigongyi. Creater and chief editor of Sina Forum in 2005, senior product manager of Sina public community in 2006; chief editor of Hudong in 2010; operation director of Weibo in 2011. He is an experienced practitioner in the field of social networking. He has 13 years work experience in the Internet, and 10 years experience of Internet products and operations management.
Wang He, Vice Chairman, China International Contractors Association Ms. Wang He, Vice Chairman of International Contractors Association (CHINCA). Ms. Wang is responsible for the area of consulting, training and information service. Prior to the present position, she served successively the director of membership department, labor service department and secretary & research department of CHINCA. Before joining CHINCA, Ms. Wang worked in the International Business Management Institute of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce. Ms. Wang graduated from the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) with a master degree in enterprise management, now holding the academic title of associate professor.
中国石油化工集团公司 新闻办品牌处处长
Director of Brand Division of Sinopec Group Information Office
Quansheng ZHOU graduated from Zhejiang University and Dalian University of Technology. He has been participating in corporate capital operation, social responsibility communication and brand management for a long time. He has kept communication and contact with stakeholders and is experienced in corporate management.