2015-05-05金蜜蜂李长海 编译0
围绕CSR的讨论层出不穷,术语繁多,是时候反思一下了。别再说什么“CSR已死”了,还是抛弃回归正题为好。本文作者Stefan Crets认为,CSR关注适用于企业和社会的影响管理、价值创造,为此采取的行动、带来的改变才是唯一重要的。
通常情况下,这些零散的观点无视最新的CSR进展,转而呼吁标新立异的视角。看到这样的论断,我真的不大认可,毕竟我还领导着一家名为“CSR Europe”(欧洲企业社会责任协会)的机构。
不过,这些有关概念本身的讨论看起来相当时髦,也算是强调CSR某方面并区分其重要特性的好方法。这有助于推进CSR向前一步,帮助带来更多的影响力。从学术角度看,相关的分析也有助于我们理解现时的变化,比如大卫•格雷森就CSR 3.0的出色演讲。
在CSR Europe,我们与会员企业的努力无疑取得了很大进步,但这也凸显了现实与理想情形的巨大差距,管理可持续性的成熟性和整合度还有待提高。即便对那些领先的会员企业而言,利益相关方及商业伙伴的协作力度仍需强化。CSR并不在于新的词汇和术语,它需要更多的行动和协作。
这也就是CSR Europe和41个欧盟成员国伙伴今年提升合作的原因。借助于更多的合作,我们覆盖10000余家公司的网络将创造更多的影响力和增长机会。在即将到来的“欧洲2020的最后呼吁”主题大会上,我们将推出“米兰宣言——企业2020”,讨论CSR Europe网络如何贡献“欧洲2020”目标的实现。
此外,2015年11月16日至17日,CSR Europe将举行为期两天的“企业2020”峰会,探讨怎样在欧洲营造更加友好的工作环境,寻求通向“企业2020”的既定路径。与会者将有机会突破自己的组织边界,看看如何同其他企业、城市和利益相关方合作,实现可持续的变革,支持欧洲的“智慧、可持续和包容性增长”。
(本文于2015年3月发表在CSR Europe “企业2020”博客,作者Stefan Crets是CSR Europe执行董事。)
Cut through CSRjargon to reveal real value and impact!
I very much support the view Thomas Osburgshared in his recent blog, “Where are we with CSR, Sustainability and all the rest?”. In that piece, he questioned howthe perception of CSR as we know is fading, moving from CSR to CSR 2.0 or evenCSR 3.0. Recently, I came across the article “How do you upgrade from CSR to shared value”. Often, such opinion piecesdisregard CSR progress made to date and urge for something new and different tomeet emerging needs. I must admit, I feel somewhat uneasy about such anapproach, probably because I lead an organisation called“CSR Europe”!
These conceptual discussions seem quitefashionable in a way, but they are a good way to emphasize certain aspects ofCorporate Social Responsibility and distinguish its important characteristics.This can help to move the agenda forward and ultimately, help to generate moreimpact. From an academic point of view, such analysis helps us to understandchanges that are taking place, for example in Professor David Grayson’s excellent lecture on CSR 3.0.
However, all this terminology can beconfusing for practitioners and can distract from what really matters, whichis: the action that business takes, the improvement of management systems and,ultimately, how they collaborate in order to yield a better impact for thebusiness and society. Additionally, in these“end-of-CSR”discussions there is too much moral high ground being taken and thatis less acceptable to me.
Corporate Social Responsibility is about managingimpact and creating value, both for business and society. It may seem to be arather old agenda, but in fact, it has never been more relevant. It is aboutthe responsibility that companies take towards the society of which they arepart, the society of which their customers, employees and their families andsuppliers are also part. It is about how strategic and operational managementencompasses societal and environmental impact in order to improve businessperformance within the company, and throughout the entire value chain. It isalso about the value definitions used and the capability and willingness tointegrate externalities and market innovations that enhance levels ofsustainability.
The discussion should not be about jargon,but instead about the action taken, the job being done and the changes beingmade. Is business in Europe able to tackle our local, regional and globalsustainability issues? Will business models, products and services changesufficiently and quickly enough to deal with these challenges? Is theinnovation that Thomas Osburg mentions sufficiently geared for sustainablegrowth? Will CSR and the business opportunities created help equip Europe andthe rest of the world to make the transformative changes needed? Finally, willit create the necessary impact?
The answer is, to be very frank, no.
We are not yet satisfactorily seizing theopportunities created by CSR.
At CSR Europe, our work with companiesdefinitely shows a lot of progress but also highlights a gap towards the idealsituation. The maturity and integration of sustainability in management can befurther improved. Even in our leading member companies, engagement withstakeholders and collaboration between businesses can be further enhanced. CSRdoes not need new words and terminology; it needs more action andcollaboration.
That is why CSR Europe and its network of41 national partner organizations for sustainable business are furtherenhancing cooperation this year. Through more collaboration in a uniteddirection, our network, which encompasses more than 10,000 companies in Europe,will create more impact and growth opportunities. At the upcoming“Last Call to Europe 2020”conference organized by NationalPartner Sodalitas at the Milan Expo, we will launch the“Milan Manifesto – Enterprise 2020”a strategic direction of how ournetwork of over 10,000 European enterprises can collectively work together tosupport the Europe 2020 goals within the next five years.
In addition, our two-day Enterprise 2020Summit event on 16-17 November will explore how to make Europe a better placeto work and the actions needed in help steer European businesses towards Enterprise2020. Participants will have the opportunity to break out of theirorganisational boundaries to see how practical collaboration with othercompanies, cities and stakeholders can deliver sustainable change to supportEurope on its way to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.