现在,报刊书籍充斥着类似的标题:“CSR 已死?还是管理不善?”,“CSR 之死”,“CSR 已死,接下来呢?”此外,像埃森哲和联合国这样的机构也陆续研究指出——笃信CSR的CEO们怀揣着些许不安:鼎力“支持”CSR那么多年,但并不确定其回报如何。
同时,公众讨论的话题(像在欧盟MSF 期间)还部分停留在10年前,仍在谈论企业的“自愿”捐款或是仅仅专注于合规和报告议题。这意味着什么?它代表着公众的整体探讨在某种程度上变得模糊不清,即便CSR 本身已有较权威的定义,比如欧盟委员会的说法就是“企业影响社会的责任”。
也许,上述误解源于CSR一词这么多年的持续“长胖”:什么都可以算作是CSR,其概念越来越含糊。那么,问题还是那些:投资回报率(ROI)在哪? CSR能够为我的公司带来什么?可能除了食品和化妆品行业外,消费者并不是很关心什么CSR,那我们又为何自取烦恼? CSR商业案例或“负责任行为的商业案例”的问题已经凸显出来。答案其实很简单:没有一个关于真正负责任行为的商业案例。人们期望企业和个人的责任行动大量涌现,但并没有给予其多大的奖赏。
或者,我们可以借用唐•舒尔茨(Don Schultz)的话:“CSR不是说大家为什么买你的产品,而在于为什么不买。”由于责任预期的存在,企业的不正当行为会得到惩罚,但其正当行为却容易被忽略。从这个角度来说,承担责任不一定意味创新,往往是要规避风险,也不是业绩导向的销售战略。
所以,现在怎么办? CSR和商业如何以更好的方式连接在一起?尽管负责任行为不会直接推动企业的营收增长,但商业创新还是会助益经济发展。然而,每一次创新并非必然有益于社会,所以真正的挑战是如何指引创新的方向,造福于人类和社会。我们怎样以创新丰富公众的生活?创造共享价值?
(本文于2015 年2 月发表在CSR Europe“企业2020”博客,作者托马斯•奥斯堡(Thomas Osburg)是英特尔(欧洲)企业事务和创新总监,李长海编译)
Where are we with CSR, Sustainability and all the rest?
CSR is at a turning point and the recent EU Multistakeholder Forum (MSF) on CSR has underlined this very clearly. Some years ago it was easy: large multinational companies were driving the agenda, investing in communities, being called on stage to showcase their success, talking about a business case, and so on.
SMEs were lagging a little behind, but not necessarily for lack of action; rather, because they were not talking about their investments in society. Conferences were organised, brochures were printed and speeches were held. Often without too much preparation-it was sufficient to name-drop terms: “Sustainability, Climate, Innovation, Education, and Inclusion”, and somehow link them together. That guaranteed a standing ovation for the speaker.
Those days are gone.
The headlines are now dominated by books and articles with titles like“Is CSR dead? Or just mismanaged?”,“The death of CSR”or“CSR is dead. What comes next?”In addition, there are studies (from Accenture and the UN, for example) that nicely describe the new unease CEOs have with the concept of CSR. In their view, they were“supporting”it for years but are unsure about the outcomes.
At the same time, public discussions (i.e. during the EU MSF) are partially falling back 10 years and still talking about the “voluntary” contributions of companies or focusing merely on compliance and reporting issues. So what does this all mean? It means the whole discussion is somehow getting messy, even though CSR is defined crisply and clearly by the European Commission as “the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society”.
But then–can the responsibility of enterprises for their societal Impact be“dead”? Or can the responsibility of parents for their children be“dead”? Responsibility is and will always be there, it will never be“dead”, so let’s stop that discussion. CSR is here to stay. And not CSR 2.0, 3.0 or 4.0. There is only one responsibility.
Perhaps the misunderstanding stems from the increased“weight”the term CSR has had to shoulder in the past years. Everything was CSR and the concept became less and less clear. So again come the questions: Where is the ROI? What does CSR bring to my company? Consumers do not seem to care at large, other than maybe in food and cosmetics, so why bother anymore? The question of the business case for CSR or, in other words, the“business case for responsible behavior” has bubbled up again. The answer to this question is easy: there is not really a business case for responsible behavior. Our societies expect responsible behavior from companies and individuals, but don’t actively reward such a behavior.
Or in the words of Don Schultz: “CSR is not about why people buy your products. It is about why people don’t buy your products”. As responsibility is expected, wrong behavior of companies gets punished, whilst right behavior gets ignored. Taking responsibility is not necessarily innovative, it’s often about risk avoidance and not a strategy to sell more.
So what now? How do we link it to Business in a better way? While behaving responsibly will not really drive company revenues, business innovations will add to the economic bottom-line. But not every innovation is necessarily good for society, so the real challenge is to give those innovations a positive direction, an appreciation of humans and society. How are peoples’lives enriched by these innovations? How can we create shared value?
When we look beyond core responsibilities of the firms to the creation of new solutions to social problems, this is where shared value is made. These solutions may not be driven by making enormous profits, but they can create a positive business value for the company and for society alike. So the way forward now is to go beyond our responsibility and focus on social (or, as I prefer) societal innovations. Innovations, that offer a positive answer to“What does it bring my company”and“What’s in it for Society”.
This is the real discussion we all need to have.